Socio-economic values provided by TRD are enormous. Tens of thousands of Kenyans depend on the TRD directly or indirectly through activities such as fishing, tourism, small-scale farming, timber collection and livestock keeping. The Delta provides essential ecosystem services to over 80,000 people living in the area. The economic use of the TRD by traditional economic systems includes; dry season and drought refuge grazing for enormous herds of cattle from Garissa, Lamu, Tana River, and Kilifi counties. Further, the Delta is a major fishery for the local and export market while the local community grow subsistence crops, cash crops and fruit trees for their survival. Several contemporary economic uses are under development including tourism, boat rides and a wildlife conservancy.
A number of large-scale farming companies have expressed interest on the Delta’s land which, if permitted, will involve clearing of huge forest patches. These activities will deplete the natural resources irrevocably. The local community will be displaced from their traditional land they have lived for years along with their livelihoods. Hundreds of thousands of cattle will be denied dry seasons grazing. The water balance will be disrupted, affecting farmers, herders and fishermen alike. Tourism initiatives will be cut short. More importantly, the TRD shoreline will be eroded and sea fisheries will likely collapse as result of mangrove forest destruction.
In the face of these threats, EarthLungs Reforestation Projects is working in collaboration with the Kenya Forest Service (KFS) to secure a more sustainable future for the TRD ecosystem. One in which the Mangrove forests are restored by the local communities while generating incomes, and wildlife and fishes have a place to thrive. Ultimately, a future in which the TRD can help Kenya adapt to climate change.
The overall objective is to reforest and restore the TRD mangrove forests with the help of its local communities through the Decent Wages for Decent Living initiative by Earthlungs Reforestation Projects with support from KFS.
a) Kilelengwani
b) Chara
c) Ozi
d) Tana Salt